JavaScript class for processing
AT Object Notation

ATON stands for "AT Object Notation." It has similar functionality to JSON, with the main difference being that ATON property values are allowed to contain unescaped line breaks.  ATON files may also contain comments.

Property names are indicated by starting a line with the "@" symbol, followed by the property name and then a colon (:). Property values follow the colon and may span multiple lines until the next property name or control message is found. Here is a simple example of an ATON file with three key/value pairs:

@key1: value1
@key2: value2
line2 of value2
@key3: value3
   "key1": "value1",
   "key2": "value2\nline2 of value2",
   "key3": "value3"

Notice that any whitespace before or after a property value is automatically removed when parsing into a JavaScript object/JSON string. This can allow visual separation and grouping of parameters with blank lines as in the above example. ATON strings are converted into a JavaScript object with the ATON.parse() method. The process can be reversed by using the ATON.stringify() method.

Nested property lists

Property values can themselves contain recursive lists of properties. The control tags "@@START: property-name" and "@@END: property-name" is used to indicate the beginning and ending points of the property list. In the following example, the "key2" property has a value which itself is a list of properties whose keys are "key2a", "key2b" and "key2c".

@key1: value1
@@START: key2
@key2a: value2a
@key2b: value2b
@key2c: value2c
@@END: key2
@key3: value3
   "key1": "value1",
      "key2a": "value2a",
      "key2b": "value2b",
      "key2c": "value2c"
   "key3": "value3"

Control tags such as "@@START:" are case insensitive, so "@@start:" is equivalent. In addition "@@BEGIN:" is an alias for "@@START:", and "@@STOP:" is an alias for "@@END:". Property names in ending control tags are optional: including them will force a check to ensure that the closing tag matches to an opening tag with the same name. If the file ends without a matching "@@END:" tag, it will be inserted automatically.

Property value arrays

If a property name is repeated on a specific object level, then the individual values from multiple entries with the same property name will be collected into a single array:

@key1: value1
@key2: value2a
@key2: value2b
@key3: value3
@key2: value2c
   "key1": "value1",
   "key3": "value3"

Property value data types.

By default all property values will be parsed as strings in JavaScript. The control message "@@TYPE:tag:Number will convert any properties which have the name tag into Numbers when parsing the ATON string. Likewise "@@TYPE:tag:Integer will convert the string to an Integer (by chopping off fractional values of floating point numbers.

@key1: 1
@key2: 2.71828
@key3: 3.14159
   "key1": "1",
   "key2": 2.71828,
   "key3": 3

The "TYPE" control message and the data types, such as "Number" and "Integer", are case insensitive. The case of the property tag must match that of the property name to which the type conversion will be applied. The type messages will (currently) act on properties at any hierarchical level. You can change the type-cast by inserting a type control message before any properties. To cancel type-casting of a particular parameter name, use the control message "@@TYPE:tag:String".

embedded JSON string parsing

The "@@TYPE:tag:JSON" control message will cause all property names matching "tag" to be interpreted as a JSON string and parsed as such. The following example reads an array of integers

@key1: 1
@key2: [1,2,3]
@key3: 3
   "key1": "1",
   "key2": [1, 2, 3],
   "key3": "3"

The above ATON data is equivalent to the following example which does not use an embedded JSON string:

@key1: 1
@key2: 1
@key2: 2
@key2: 3
@key3: 3
   "key1": "1",
   "key2": [1, 2, 3],
   "key3": "3"


Comments are lines which start with "@" but are not property names or control messages. The "@" character should be followed by a space or at least three more "@" characters. Comments can interrupt multi-line property values. To indicate an "@" character at the start of a line in a property value, escape it by preceding it with a backslash. Backslashes at the start of a line should also be escaped with a backslash. These characters should not be escaped if they do not start in the first position in a line.

This is a bad comment
@ This is a good comment
@@@@This is a comment
@key1: value1
@ This is a comment
@key2: value2
This is an OK comment
@key3: value3
@ interrupting comment
and @value3b
   "key1": "value1\nvalue1b\n@value1c\n\value1d",
   "key2": { key2: "value2"},
   "key3": "value3\nand @value3b"

Free text at the start of an ATON file is technically a comment since it is not associated with a property name. But if files are concatenated together, the comments may become attached to the last property in the previous file. Free text after an "@@END:" control message will also be interpreted as a comment.

Online conversion example

Type some ATON content on the left, and it will be displayed in JSON format on the right. A check mark after the ATON heading indicates that the ATON content is well-formed. A red ✘ indicates a syntax error.


Using in Node applications

The ATON module can be installed for use in node by installing globally with the command:

$ npm install -g aton

If you want to use only locally within a node project, then install as a package dependency with the command:

$ npm install --save aton

Here is an example of loading the module into a node script and processing an ATON string. This string contains most of the capabilities of ATON.

var aton = require('aton');
var ATON = new aton();

var atonString = '';
atonString += '@@type:key3c:Integer\n';
atonString += '@@type:key3b:Number\n';
atonString += '@key1: value1\n';
atonString += '@key2: value2\n';
atonString += 'value2 continued\n';
atonString += '@@begin: key3\n';
atonString += '@key3a: value3a\n';
atonString += 'value3a continued\n';
atonString += 'value3a continued further\n';
atonString += '@key3b: 2.71828\n';
atonString += '@key3c: 1\n';
atonString += '@key3c: -45\n';
atonString += '@key3c: 3.14\n';
atonString += '@@end: value3\n';
atonString += '@key4: value4\n';
var obj = ATON.parse(atonString);
console.log('\n', obj);

The above code should output the following text to the console:

@key1: value1
@key2: value2
value2 continued
@@begin: key3
@key3a: value3a
value3a continued
value3a continued further
@key3b: 2.71828
@key3c: 1
@key3c: -45
@key3c: 3.14
@@end: value3
@key4: value4

 { key1: 'value1',
  key2: 'value2\nvalue2 continued',
   { key3a: 'value3a\nvalue3a continued\nvalue3a continued further',
     key3b: 2.71828,
     key3c: [ 1, -45, 3 ] },
  key4: 'value4' }

Whitespace before and after a parameter value is removed automatically during parsing. Also notice that multi-line values contain an escaped newline character in the translation to a JavaScript object. Control entries starting with "@@TYPE" set the data type for parameters with a given name, such as "Number" to parse the property value as a number and "Integer" to parse as an integer.

Using on the command-line

There are two command-line interfaces to the ATON code:

The input data can be piped into the programs, or it can be given through a filename in the command-line arguments list:

aton2json file.aton > file.json
cat file.json | json2aton

Using in a web browser

The source code for ATON can be used in a web browser as well as in node. A makefile in the lib directory also shows how to create a minified version of the code.

The JavaScript files for ATON can also be used within a webpage by including the main JavaScript file for ATON:

<script src="aton.js"></script>

Reading a file from the server

Here is an example of how to read an ATON file from the sever and parse into a JavaScript object:

function loadAtonFile(filename) {
   var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', filename);
   request.addEventListener('load', function () {
      var atondata = this.responseText;
      console.log("ATON data:", atondata);
      var aton = new ATON;
      var object = aton.parse(atondata);
      console.log("JavaScript object:", object);
   request.addEventListener('error', function() {


Input and output from the code can be tested using mocha and the JavaScript files in the test directory. To test from a node installation:

$ npm install   # to download mocha dependency if necessary
$ npm test